M. Walker

Adventure stories appear in many forms. Explore poems, YA Lit, creative nonfiction & teacher professional development by

M. Walker, Ph. D.

Making Connections


On this site you will find links to published works as well as writing samples.

Coming soon: More information about writing workshops and professional development for teachers.

Links to Published Works 

  • Young Adult Literature

    • Alpine Adventures with Charlie

Writing Samples

  • Poetry

    • Furr’s Cafeteria

  • Creative Nonfiction

    • Snowtown


 M. Walker, poet and adventure writer, dabbles in narrative and young adult literature. Works include creative non-fiction, fiction, YA Lit, and poetry. Her Ph. D. research combined narrative inquiry and arts based research in the form of self-study examining connections between teacher practice and avocational activities through the lens of teacher and learner. M. Walker’s dissertation includes a memoir with split-page formatting to explore the intersections of theory and practice.


Adventure is sand between toes, sun-kissed skin, and a salty sea breeze tangling your curls.

Anchoring those memories through writing allows for exploration of the self.


It all started when…

I was backpacking in the Wind River Range. Ten days. 62 miles. Pounds of dehydrated potatoes. A fly rod. And many, many mosquitoes.


Memoir. Young Adult Literature. Poetry. Creative Non-fiction.

Professional Development.


Interested in connecting about writing, YA Lit, or PD Opps? Send me an email.
